The PIC16F627A/628A/648A parts you have received
conform functionally to the Device Data Sheet
(DS40044 E), except for the anomalies described
Microchip intends to address all issues listed here in
future revisions of the PIC16F627A/628A/648A
silicon. Where noted, issues apply to listed revision
only. PIC16F627A/628A/648A
PIC16F627A/628A/648A Rev. A Silicon/Data Sheet Errata
The PIC16F627A/628A/648A parts you have received 2. Module: EC Clock
conform functionally to the Device Data Sheet
(DS40044E), except for the anomalies described 1. PIC16F648A Silicon Rev. A1.
below. When using the EC OSC mode at frequencies
Microchip intends to address all issues listed here in >4 MHz and temperatures >85°C, the part may
future revisions of the PIC16F627A/628A/648A execute incorrectly from the program memory,
silicon. Where noted, issues apply to listed revision causing malfunction.
only. ……