The PIC18F8720/8620/6720/6620 parts you have
received conform functionally to the Device Data Sheet
(DS39609 B), except for the anomalies described
All of the issues listed here will be addressed in future
revisions of the PIC18F8720/8620/6720/6620 silicon.
The following silicon errata apply only to
PIC18F8720/8620/6720/6620 devices with these
Device/Revision IDs: PIC18F8720/8620/6720/6620
PIC18F8720/8620/6720/6620 Rev. A4 Silicon/Data Sheet Errata
The PIC18F8720/8620/6720/6620 parts you have 2. Module: External Memory Interface
received conform functionally to the Device Data Sheet (PIC18F8620 only)
(DS39609B), except for the anomalies described
In Extended Microcontroller mode, or Micro-
processor mode, the external memory interface is
All of the issues listed here will be addressed in future inactive from 20000h to 2FFFFh. ALE and WRL
revisions of the PIC18F8720/8620/6720/6620 silicon. signals are inactive between 20000h and 2FF……