The PIC16C715 parts you have received conform
functionally to the Device Data Sheet (DS30272 A),
except for the anomalies described below. PIC16C715
PIC16C715 Data Sheet Errata
The PIC16C715 parts you have received conform
functionally to the Device Data Sheet (DS30272A),
except for the anomalies described below.
2003 Microchip Technology Inc. DS80082C-page 1
Clarifications/Corrections to the Data
In the Device Data Sheet (DS30272A), the following
clarifications and corrections should be noted.
1. Module: Core (DC Characteristics)
Section 13.3 has changed as shown below.
13.3 DC Characteristics: PIC16C715-04 (Commercial, Industrial, Extended)
PIC16C715-10 (Commercial, Industrial, Extended)
PIC16C715-20 (Commercial……