The PIC16C745/765 (Rev. A1) parts you have received
conform functionally to the PIC16C745/765 Data Sheet
(DS41124 C), except for the anomalies described
below. PIC16C745/765
PIC16C745/765 Rev. A1 Silicon/Data Sheet Errata
The PIC16C745/765 (Rev. A1) parts you have received means the average bit length can vary from 657 ns to
conform functionally to the PIC16C745/765 Data Sheet 676 ns. Section states, “For low speed trans-
(DS41124C), except for the anomalies described missions, the jitter time for any consecutive differential
below. data transitions must be within ±25 ns and within
±10 ns for any set of paired differential data
Note: ……