The PIC16F872 (Rev. A0) parts you have received con-
form functionally to the Device Data Sheet ( DS30221A ),
except for the anomalies described below. PIC16F872
PIC16F872 Rev. A0 Silicon Errata Sheet
The PIC16F872 (Rev. A0) parts you have received con- The data sheet specification for CP operation (when
form functionally to the Device Data Sheet (DS30221A), CP1:CP0 = 00) was enhanced after manufaturing
except for the anomalies described below. began on the “ES” (Engineering Sample) revision of
All of the problems listed here will be addressed in future the device. Future devices will operate to the Data
revisions of the PIC16F872 silicon. Sheet specification (DS30221A).
1. Module: Program Memory Writes Work Around