The PIC17C756 (Rev. A) parts you have received con-
form functionally to the PIC17C75X preliminary data
sheet (DS30264A), except for the following clarifica-
tions and corrections. PIC17C756
Errata Sheet of Rev. A PIC17C756 Silicon
The PIC17C756 (Rev. A) parts you have received con- FIGURE 1: A/D NON-LINEARITY
form functionally to the PIC17C75X preliminary data
sheet (DS30264A), except for the following clarica- Error
tions and corrections.
1. Module: MSSP +1
In I2C mode, the SSPBUF may receive either all
0’s or all 1’s independent of the data on the SDA Codes
Work around
Both the SMP and CKE bits need to be in the same
state (set or cleared) for prop……