摘要:本文说明如何设计模拟滤波器。它开始覆盖过滤器的基本原理,接着介绍巴特沃斯,切比雪夫,贝塞尔等基本类型,然后通过低通和高通滤波器的设计过程中引导读者。包括方程的推导和电路实现。Maxim > App Notes > Filter Circuits (Analog) Video Circuits
Keywords: analog filter design, Butterworth, Chebyshev, Bessel, transfer functions, 2nd order section, second Feb 13, 2003
order section, RC filters
Analog Filter Design Demystified
Abstract: This article shows how to design analog filters. It starts by covering the fundamentals of filters, goes
on to introduce the basic types like Butterworth, Chebyshev, and Bessel, and then guides the reader through
the design process for lowpass and highpass filters. Included are the derivation of the equations and the circuit
It's a jungle out there.
A small tribe, in the dense wilderness, is much sought after by head hunters from the surrounding plains. Known
throughout the land for their esoteri……