摘要:该电路在高电压( 48V和更高)使用一个标准的5V差分放大器( MAX4198 )参照地面监视电流流。它还采用了增益调整数字电位器( MAX5402 ) 。 Maxim > App Notes > Amplifier and Comparator Circuits Digital Potentiometers
Keywords: high-voltage current monitors, difference amplifiers, adjustable gain, pnp transistors, digital potentiometers Dec 21, 2010
High-Voltage, Programmable-Gain Current Monitor
Abstract:This circuit monitors current flow at high voltage (48V and higher) using a standard 5V difference amplifier (MAX4198)
referenced to ground. It also employs a digital potentiometer (MAX5402) for gain adjustment.
A similar version of this article appeared in the June 1, 2007 issue of PET .
Telcom, LDMOS, automotive, and numerous other applications require the measurement of current flow at high voltages (high-side
current). Often, a circuit operating at 5V must monitor ……