摘要:本应用笔记讨论接口差分HSTL(高速收发器逻辑)输出到PECL (正射极耦合逻辑)输入条件。Maxim > App Notes > COMMUNICATIONS CIRCUITS
Keywords: HSTL, PECL, high speed, interface standards, differential HSTL, high speed transceiver logic, Jedec Sep 27, 2002
standard, Jedec std, differential
Applying HSTL Signals to PECL Input Devices
Abstract: This application note discusses the conditions for interfacing differential HSTL (High-Speed
Transceiver Logic) outputs to PECL (Positive Emitter Coupled Logic) inputs.
PECL and HSTL are two of the high-speed interface standards in common use. PECL (positive supply referred
ECL) is an older standard than HSTL and was developed as a higher speed alternative to the TTL logic standards.
HSTL was defined as an interface standard for digital integrated circuits. The two standards are not directly
compatible. Some PE……