摘要:美国联邦通信委员会(FCC)的政府机构,规范无线电频率(RF )在美国的排放量,在1975年颁布称为FCC第15部分的新法规。这些都没有在控制设备,如广播和电视发射机,或飞机导航和紧急信标,故意辐射高功率射频能量。相反,这些法规旨在控制设备,确实不是故意的辐射射频能量,如电视,汽车,低功耗,对讲机和电子遥控器,如无管制射频散热器。在20世纪80年代和20世纪90年代,电子设备,手机增殖微波炉。这些设备之间的交叉干扰就成了一个问题。传统的方法来解决辐射问题,包括屏蔽,精心的电路板布局,以及过滤,以减少意外的辐射。作为电子产品变得越来越小,另一种技术,扩频通信应用借来使用。本文给出了扩频的背景和历史,并介绍如何使用它作为今天的技术,以减少在消费电子设备的辐射。Maxim > App Notes > Communications Circuits Wireless, RF, and Cable
Keywords: EMI, spread spectrum, EMI reduction, EMI control, dither, DS1086, radiation control, radiation May 29, 2003
reduction, FCC Part 68
Using Spread Spectrum Oscillators to Reduce Radiated Emissions
in Consumer Products
Abstract: In 1975 the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the government agency that regulates
radio frequency (RF) emissions in the United States, enacted new regulations called FCC Part 15. These were
not directed at controlling equipment such as radio and TV transmitters, or aircraft-navigation and emergency
beacons that deliberately radiate high-power RF energy. Instead, these regulations sought to control
equipment that did not deliberately radiate RF energy suc……