摘要: Maxim的MAX1385评估板( EV kit)的软件包括Windows ®图形用户界面(GUI)程序;然而,更新此显示的时间成本与控制回路的干扰。本应用笔记显示了更加优化的闭环控制方案,使用一个控制台菜单系统,而不是一个GUI 。Maxim > App Notes > COMMUNICATIONS CIRCUITS TEMPERATURE SENSORS and THERMAL MANAGEMENT
Keywords: control loop, LDMOS, FET, bias, base station, power amplifier, RF Jun 10, 2007
Implementing a MAX1385-Based Control Loop in C/C++
Abstract: Maxim's MAX1385 evaluation kit (EV kit) software includes a Windows graphical user interface
(GUI) program; however, the time cost of updating this display interferes with the control loop. This application
note shows a more optimal control-loop program, using a console menu system instead of a GUI.
When used with the MAX1385EVKIT+ demo board, the control loop achieves a regulation accuracy of ±2%. This
accuracy is limited by the gate driver output step size and the FET transconductance. Drain-curr……