摘要:提到的EMI所有的电子系统,其中包括开关稳压器发出的有害电磁辐射。采用扩频脉冲宽度调制控制计划( SSPWM )增强的EMI抑制。驾驶与伪随机噪声(PN)的外部时钟输入引脚的MAX1703 DC-DC转换稳压器提供了降低EMI的扩频时钟。遍布广泛的干扰频率降低EMI的功率密度,否则集中在一个单一的时钟频率。Maxim > App Notes > CIRCUIT PROTECTION POWER-SUPPLY CIRCUITS
Keywords: EMI, radiation, suppression, SSPWM, spread-spectrum pulse-width modulation, electromagnetic May 28, 2002
interference, MAX1703, dc-dc converter, dc dc converters, convertors
DC-to-DC Converter Combats EMI
Abstract: Unwanted electromagnetic radiation referred to as EMI is emitted by all electronic systems, including
switching regulators. Adopting spread-spectrum pulse-width modulation (SSPWM) as a control scheme
enhances the suppression of EMI. Driving the external clock input pin of the MAX1703 DC-DC converter with a
pseudo-random noise (PN) provides the regulator with a spread spectrum clock that reduces EMI. Spreading
the interference frequencies over a wide range lowers the EMI power d……