摘要:热抽换式的控制器IC落实所需的为功率-供应电压的序列。Maxim/Dallas > App Notes > CIRCUIT PROTECTION POWER-SUPPLY CIRCUITS
Keywords: hot swap, power-supply sequencer, hot swap controller, hotswap, ICs Dec 09, 2003
Hot-Swap Controllers Improve Power-Supply Sequencing
Hot-swap controller ICs implement desired sequence for power-supply voltages.
For many systems, the power-supply voltages must be applied in a definite sequence to prevent circuit damage.
That task was implemented with discrete circuitry in the past, but modern hot-swap-controller ICs offer an
alternative that simplifies the design and increases the performance of power-supply sequencers.
The circuit of Figure 1 provides power-up sequencing for a variety of hot-swap applications, and can be
expanded to control many other supply-……