【应用笔记】AN432:在Stratix II和HardCopy II中使用不同的PLL设置(AN 432: Using Different PLL Settings Between Stratix II and HardCopy II Devices)
本文档描述设计Stratix II和HardCopy II器件的正确步骤,其中使用不同PLL设置来成功实现HardCopy II姊妹版本比较报告。
This document describes the proper steps to design Stratix® II and HardCopy® II devices
with different PLL settings to achieve a successful HardCopy II Companion Revision
Comparison report. AN 432: Using Different PLL Settings
Between Stratix II and
HardCopy II Devices
March 2010 AN-432-1.2
This document describes the proper steps to design Stratix II and HardCopy II devices
with different PLL settings to achieve a successful HardCopy II Companion Revision
Comparison report.
When designing Stratix II devices that will be migrated to HardCopy II devices, it is
sometimes necessary to operate……