【应用笔记】为高速通道设计优化由表面贴装焊盘引起的阻抗不连续(Optimizing Impedance Discontinuity Caused by Surface Mount Pads for High-Speed Channel Designs)
As data rates continue to increase, today’s high-speed board designers
face tremendous challenges upgrading their designs to meet increasing
bandwidth requirements. When implementing high-speed designs, any
small discontinuities in the physical geometries along the transmission
path can significantly degrade the signal. This degradation includes loss
of signal amplitude, reduction of signal rise time, and increased jitter. As
a result, you must be able to identify these discontinuities in the
high-speed channel and provide ways to mitigate their effects for better
signal transmission. Optimizing Impedance Discontinuity
Caused by Surface Mount Pads for
High-Speed Channel Designs
May 2008, version 1.0 Application Note 530
Introduction As data rates continue to increase, today’s high-speed board designers
face tremendous challenges upgrading their designs to meet increasing
bandwidth requirements. When implementing high-speed designs, any
small discontinuities in the physical geometries along the transmission
path can significantly degrade the signal. This degradation includes……