【应用笔记】MAX II器件中的用户闪存的SMBus接口(SMBus Interface for the User Flash Memory in MAX II Devices)
Altera的MAX II CPLD系列器件提供一个非易失用户闪存(user flash memory,UFM)模块。
The Altera® MAX® II CPLD family offers a non-volatile user flash
memory (UFM) block. The UFM block provides the capability to store
user-defined data which enables the integration of discrete, non-volatile
storage into a single MAX II device—reducing system chip count and
cost. SMBus Interface for the
User Flash Memory
in MAX II Devices
September 2005 ver.1.0 Application Note 400
Introduction The Altera MAX II CPLD family offers a non-volatile user flash
memory (UFM) block. The UFM block provides the capability to store
user-defined data which enables the integration of discrete, non-volatile
storage into a single MAX II device―reducing system chip count and
The System Management Bus (SMBus) ……