Ever dream of having a Real-Time Kernel for the
PIC16CXXX family of microcontrollers? Or ever won-
der what Multitasking or Threads are all about? Then
this article is for you. We will explore how to implement
all of the features of a large Real-Time Multitasking
Kernel in much less space, with more control, and with-
out the large overhead of existing kernels. By planning
ahead, and using the techniques outlined here, you can
build your own fast, light, powerful, flexible real-time
kernel with just the features needed to get the job done. AN585
A Real-Time Operating System for PICmicro Microcontrollers
Why do I Need a Real-Time Kernel?
Author: Jerry Farmer Real-time design techniques allow the engineer/
Myriad Development Company
designer to break-up large, complicated problems into
smaller simpler tasks or threads. These more
manageable units of code allow faster response to