【应用笔记】一种串行配置器件的嵌入式解决方案—SRunner(SRunner: An Embedded Solution for Serial Configuration Device Programming)
SRunner是一个出色的基于Window驱动软件,它允许用户使用ByteBlaster II下载线对Altera的串行配置器件(EPCS1, EPCS4, EPCS16, EPCS64和EPCS128) 进行编程。
The SRunner is a standalone Windows-based software driver that allows
users to program Altera® Serial Configuration Devices (EPCS1, EPCS4,
EPCS16, EPCS64 and EPCS128) using the ByteBlasterTM II download
cable. The SRunner software code is developed and tested on the
Windows XP platform. SRunner: An Embedded Solution
for Serial Configuration Device
June 2008, Version 1.1 Application Note 418
Introduction The SRunner is a standalone Windows-based software driver that allows
users to program Altera Serial Configuration Devices (EPCS1, EPCS4,
EPCS16, EPCS64 and EPCS128) using the ByteBlasterTM II download
cable. The SRunner software code is developed and tested on the