【应用笔记】AN423:配置MicroBlaster被动串行软件驱动(AN423: Configuring the MicroBlaster Passive Serial Software Driver)
MicroBlaster软件驱动通过ByteBlaster II和ByteBlasterMV下载线以被动串行(PS)模式为嵌入式配置,来配置Altera可编程逻辑器件(PLD)。
The MicroBlasterTM software driver configures Altera® programmable logic devices
(PLDs) in passive serial (PS) mode for embedded configurations through the
ByteBlasterTM II and ByteBlasterMVTM download cables. You can customize the
modular source code’s I/O control routines (provided as separate files) for your
system. The MicroBlaster software driver is an embedded configuration driver that
supports the Raw Binary File (.rbf) format generated by the Quartus® II software. AN423: Configuring the MicroBlaster
Passive Serial Software Driver
June 2008, version 1.1
The MicroBlasterTM software driver configures Altera programmable logic devices
(PLDs) in passive serial (PS) mode for embedded configurations through the
ByteBlasterTM II and ByteBlasterMVTM download cables. You can customize the
modular source code’s I/O control routines (provided as separate files) for your
system. The MicroBlaster software driver is an embedded configuration driver that