You’ve decided on the Microchip PIC18C452 8-bit
microcontroller. Its ample program memory space of
32 Kbytes, operating speed of 40 MHz, and extensive
set of peripherals and I/Os fit your design perfectly.
Your application is small to medium in volume and so
you choose the PIC18C452 OTP. It is a standard prod-
uct with flexible quantities and short lead times. You
can appreciate an inexpensive solution that allows for
the most recent firmware and yet maintains a rapid time
to market. Your decision has the confidence of being in
familiar territory; at some point in time, you’ve tested
your design by inserting a programmed OTP part. The
big question you now ask yourself is, “ How should we
program all those parts we're about to buy?” AN750
Self-Programming the PIC18C452 OTP
This application note describes how to self-program the
Author: Tim Rovnak PIC18C452 OTP (option 4). It should be noted that not
Microchip Technology Incorporated all microcontrollers have this ability. The PIC18C452
can program itself through a feature that uses special
INTRODUCTION instructions called Table Reads and Table Writes.
You’ve decided on the Microchip PIC18C452 8-bit ……