The PIC16C5X has one 8-bit timer (Timer0) which can
use an 8-bit prescaler. In some instances, the user
would like to use this timer for some other purpose and
yet, be able to do a transmit and receive using the serial
port. This application note offers routines to do a sim-
ple 8-bit transmit and receive with no handshake, at
baud rates from 1200 to 9600. Please note that these
routines use a timed loop which is as accurate as the
clock which drives the PIC16C5X. The user enters the
frequency and baud rate desired. The calculated value
“delay” in the serial routine has to be an 8-bit value only.
If the value is greater than 8-bits, the frequency and
baud rate values have to be changed. AN593
Serial Port Routines Without Using Timer0
Author: Stan D’Souza
Microchip Technology Inc. Simple transmit and receive routines can be written
without using Timer0 to generate the baud rate.
The PIC16C5X has one 8-bit timer (Timer0) which can
use an 8-bit prescaler. In some instances, the user
would like to use this timer for some other purpose and
yet, be able to do a transmit and receive using the serial
port. This application note offers routines to do a sim-
ple 8-bit transmi……