This application note describes a unique method for
implementing interrupts in software on the PIC16C5X
series of microcontrollers. This method takes
advantage of the PIC16C5X’s architecture which allows
changing the program counter under software control.
Up to eight interrupt lines are possible, but the practical
limit for simple code generation is six interrupts, or 64
possible input conditions. The interrupt detection time is
under software control and standard I/O pins are used
as the interrupt lines. AN514
Software Interrupt Techniques
This application note describes a unique method for
implementing interrupts in software on the PIC16C5X In most applications requiring interrupts, it is important
series of microcontrollers. This method takes to poll the interrupt lines at xed time intervals, usually
advantage of the PIC16C5X’s architecture which allows only a few microseconds in length. Two techniques may
changing the program counter under software control. be used on the PI……