The PIC24 tutorial program is made up of three components, which are individu-
ally displayed on the LCD. The program is used to demonstrate the Real-Time
Clock/Calendar (RTCC) module, as well as the Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC)
and the ability to interface with EEPROM memory on the Explorer 16 board. The
program flow is shown in the “Program Flow Diagram” on page 2 .Overview PIC24F32KA304 Plug-In Module Software
The PIC24 tutorial program is made up of three components, which are individu-
ally displayed on the LCD. The program is used to demonstrate the Real-Time Voltmeter/Temperature
Clock/Calendar (RTCC) module, as well as the Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) Voltmeter/Temperature mode uses the code modules, vbanner.c, ADC.c, and
and the ability to interface with EEPROM memory on the Explorer 16 board. The the A/D module to measure analog signals from the board and convert them for
program flow is shown in the “Program Flow Diagram” on page 2. ……