摘要:林奎茨均衡,意为极复杂的系统,其中q > 0.5,中和原零极点补偿,然后创建一个新的高通响应由设计师指定的原始响应。原来的一样,新的电路提供了一个2阶响应。Maxim > App Notes > Audio Circuits
Keywords: equalizers, low-noise low-distortion op amps, low-frequency loudspeakers, bass response Dec 21, 2010
"Linkwitz Circuit" Equalizes a Closed Box
Abstract:The Linkwitz equalizer, intended for complex-pole systems in which Q > 0.5, neutralizes the original response by
compensating the original poles with zeros, and then creates a new highpass response as specified by the designer. Like the
original, the new circuit provides a 2nd-order response.
A similar version of this article appeared in the May 6, 2008 issue of EE Times magazine.
The linearity and high power-handling capability of modern low-frequency loudspeakers have made it easy to electronically extend
the bass response. This extension is es……