摘要:震动或撞击可导致暂时中断时,电池失去联系。在电池供电系统的电源,以确保连续性,添加这三个IC电路。Maxim/Dallas > App Notes > SWITCHES AND MULTIPLEXERS
Keywords: linear regulators, switching regulators, analog switches, battery bounce, contact bounce Apr 26, 2004
Protecting Against Momentary Power Loss Due to Battery-Bounce
Impact or vibration can cause momentary interruptions when batteries lose contact. To ensure continuity of
power in battery-powered systems, add this three-IC circuit.
When you drop a battery-powered device, the impact can open internal contacts for as long as 10ms, producing
a momentary loss of power that can cause a false low-battery indication. (There is sometimes a similar
momentary effect on the device's owner, especially if the device is expensive, but that's beyond the scope of this
application note).
You can insure continuity of……