摘要:低输入电容运算放大器的应用,如烟雾探测器,光电二极管放大器,医疗仪器,工业控制系统,压电式传感器接口。最大限度地降低输入电容也可以增加一杆在反馈路径的频率,直到它有一个电路的影响可以忽略。测量运算放大器的输入电容是不平凡的,尤其是如果该值是只有几个皮法。如此低的价值也提出在生产过程中测试的筛选运算放大器的困难。这一设计思想,介绍了如何准确地确定任何运算放大器的输入电容。Maxim > Design support > App notes > Amplifier and Comparator Circuits > APP 5086
Keywords: op amp, operational amp, input capacitance, transimpedance amp, photodiode transimpedance amp, medical
instrumentation, industrial control, piezo-sensor interface, bode plot, RC filter, op amp input impedance, op amp stability, photodiode
Jul 01, 2011
Measure the Input Capacitance of an Op Amp
By: Akshay Bhat, Senior Strategic Applications Engineer
Abstract: Op amps with low input capacitance are required in applications such as smoke detectors, photodiode transimpedance
amplifiers, medical instrumentation, industrial control systems, and th……