Once again, because of its universal familiarity and
range of functionality, the clock is used to convey the
use of the PIC16C92X microcontrollers. In this case we
have added a twist to the clock with the addition of a
thermometer. The LCD panel has a two digit tempera-
ture readout.
This application note will discuss the use of the follow-
ing peripherals used to implement the clock: Timer1,
PORTB, CCP, A/D converter, and the LCD Module. All
source code and examples are written in C and com-
piled using Microchip’s MPLAB-C compiler.M Yet Another Clock Featuring the PIC16C924
The features of the PIC16C924 are:
Author: Rodger Richey
4K x 14 EPROM program memory
Microchip Technology Inc.
176 x 8 SRAM data memory
DC - 8 MHz operating speed
INTRODUCTION Timer0, Timer1, and Timer2
One CCP pin
Once again, because of its uni……