The PIC18C601 and PIC18C801 are the very first
members of Microchip’s PIC18 family that are ROM-
less microcontrollers — that is, they have no on-chip
program memory. Both offer the enhanced PIC18
architecture, along with the ability to use different types
and sizes of external program memory to exactly fit any
application. In addition to standard 1.5 Kbytes of gen-
eral purpose RAM, the PIC18C601 can address up to
256 Kbytes of external program memory, while the
PIC18C801 can address up to 2 Mbytes of external
program memory. With this amount of available
addressable space, the PIC18C601/801 devices
become ideal candidates for more complex applica-
tions (e.g. TCP/IP stacks), developed with high level
programming languages, such as ‘C’. AN778
Implementing the External Memory Interface
on PIC18C601/801 MCUs
Given the number and types of memories available
Author: Gaurang Kavaiya
today, finding and interfacing memory to the
Microchip Technology Inc.
PIC18C601/801 devices potentially becomes a chal-
lenging task. This application note describes the
PIC18C601/801 external memory……