When migrating assembly language programs from
one family of microcontrollers to another, the first ques-
tion is almost always: “What’s the equivalent opcode?”
Some operations, like addition and subtraction, are
self-evident and practically universal. Other instruc-
tions may have some subtle changes in syntax or spell-
ing that make direct conversions a bit trickier.
Occasionally, some instructions simply don’t have a
direct equivalent in the target set, or an equivalent
exists but is explained in different terms. TB071
Converting from Motorola HC08 to Microchip Assembler:
A Quick Reference
Author: Rodger Richey 2. Both Motorola and Microchip use a data mem-
ory that is 8 bits wide. With their core architec-
Microchip Technology Inc.
ture, Motorola HC08 devices are also limited to
When migrating assembly language programs from 8-bit wide program memories as well. Microchip
one family of microcontrollers to another, the first ques- PICmicro devices, on the other hand, have pro-