恩智浦电压转换器(NVT)用于双向信号转换I/O总线电压等级逻辑电平不兼容的应用。 UM10540
NVT2001GM and NVT2002DP demo boards
Rev. 1 ― 7 March 2012 User manual
Document information
Info Content
Keywords NVT, voltage translator, level translator, level shift, passive voltage
translator, passive level translator, passive level shift, I2C-bus, SMBus,
SPI, NVT2001, NVT2002
Abstract NXP Voltage Translators (NVT) are used in bidirectional signaling voltage
level translation applications for I/O buses with incompatible logic levels.
The NVT2001 and NVT2002 are single- and dual-channel voltage
translators, operational from 1.0 V to 3.6 V at VCC(A) (low……