Abstract: Maxim has two different approaches for developing HF ASICs: a semi-custom QuickChip design methodology and the more traditional full-custom design methodology. The semicustom design approach is discussed below and provides a low-cost, fast turn-time approach for developing customer-designed RF ASICs. Maxim > App Notes > ASICs
Keywords: ASICs, QuickChip, RF, semicustom, custom, HF, asic, RF ASICs, quick chip, semi-custom, full- Mar 13, 2000
Semicustom QuickChip ASICs Implement RF Functions to 9GHz
Abstract: Maxim has two different approaches for developing HF ASICs: a semi-custom QuickChip design
methodology and the more traditional full-custom design methodology. The semicustom design approach is
discussed below and provides a low-cost, fast turn-time approach for developing customer-designed RF ASICs.
In addition to standard product ICs, Maxim offers a rapid-response ASIC service. Semicustom arrays known as
"QuickChips" provide designers with a selection of uncommitted semiconductor devices: JFETs, Schottky diodes,
ESD-protected diodes, MOS capacitor……