The ISL22416 integrates a single digitally controlled potentiometer (DCP) and non-volatile memory on a monolithic CMOS integrated circuit.
The digitally controlled potentiometer is implemented with a combination of resistor elements and CMOS switches. The position of the wiper is controlled by the user through the SPI serial interface. The potentiometer has an associated volatile Wiper Register (WR) and a non-volatile Initial Value Register (IVR) that can be directly written to and read by the user. The contents of the WR controls the position of the wiper. At power-up the device recalls the contents of the DCP's IVR to the WR. Application Note 1555
Digitally Controlled Potentiometer (DCP)
Evaluation USB Kit
Introduction Overview and Operation of the
The Digital Potentiometer Evaluation USB Kit provides DCP Evaluation Platform
application and design engineers with a tool for
evaluating the operation of many kinds of different Hardware Overview
Digitally Controlled Potentiometers (DCPs). It includes a
USB2DCP interface board also called a motherboard, DCP
Evaluation Software and a DCP evaluation board also This board provides the interface betwe……