Abstract: This application note provides an example of interfacing an A/D converter to a PC using a standard serial port. The CS lines and SCLK lines are emulated by the RTS and DTR lines respectively. Conversion data appears on the data-set-ready (DSR) line. Example C code is given to demonstrate the application circuit. Maxim > App Notes > A/D and D/A Conversion/Sampling Circuits
Keywords: serial, RS-232, rs232, 232, SPI, 3-wire, A/D, ADC converter, analog to digital, analog digital, converters, MAX232, MAX220 Jul 01, 2001
PC Serial Port Drives 12-Bit A/D Converter
Abstract:This application note provides an example of interfacing an A/D converter to a PC using a standard serial port. The CS lines
and SCLK lines are emulated by the RTS and DTR lines respectively. Conversion data appears on the data-set-ready (DSR) line.
Example C code is given to demonstrate the application circuit.
The circuit shown in Figure 1 performs a task usually carried out by a microcontroller―that of driving a 12-bit A/D converter (ADC)
from the serial port of a PC. Power c……