Abstract: To produce the 3-wire SPI™ interface required by a MAX7221 display controller (active-low CS, DIN, and CLK), this 1-Wire® network serially addresses three 1-Wire switches (DS2413). The first switch creates Chip Select directly (active-low CS), the second creates the serial-data line directly (DIN), and the third switch—with the help of three exclusive-OR gates—creates the serial clock (CLK). Maxim > Design support > App notes > 1-Wire Devices > APP 4505
Maxim > Design support > App notes > Analog Switches and Multiplexers > APP 4505
Keywords: 1-wire networks, 1-wire switches, SPI peripherals, edge detector, one shot
Nov 11, 2010
One-Wire Network Controls Remote SPI Peripherals
By: Michael Petersen
Abstract: To produce the 3-wire SPI interface required by a MAX7221 display controller (active-low CS, DIN, and CLK), this 1-
Wire network serially addresses three 1-Wire switches (DS2413). The first switch creates Chip Select directly (active-low CS), the
second creates the serial-data line directly (DIN), and the third switch―with the he……