Voice authentication refers to the process of accepting or rejecting the identity claim
of a speaker on the basis of individual information present in the speech waveform . It
has received increasing attention over the past two decades, as a convenient,
user-friendly way of replacing (or supplementing) standard password-type matching.
The authentication procedure requests from the user to pronounce a random sequence
of digits. After capturing speech and extracting voice features, individual voice
characteritics are generated by registration algorithm. The central process unit decides
whether the received features match the stored voiceprint of the customer who claims
to be, and accordingly grants authentication.
In this work, the architecture of an sopc-based voiceprint identification system is
presented. Final Project Report
Table of Contents
Project Name : SOPC-based Voiceprint Identification System
Team Name : Panda
Team ID : IN00000004
Tem Members : 1. Huan Fang
2. Xin Liu
Email Address : 1. huanf@kth.se
2. xinliu@kth.se
Contact No : 1. 0762321822
2. 0707574312
Instructor : Prof. Ingo Sander
Design Introduction
As globalization, networking, information and digital era’s coming, the demand of
high reliability of our identity verification is growing.An efficient mean to this is by
authenticating users through biometric methods. Among the existing biometric
methods, voice biometrics can be an affordable and accurate authentic……