NXP expandable 5-channel I²C-bus hub PCA9518A NXP expandable 5-channel
I2C-bus hub PCA9518A
Accommodate more I2C-bus devices
on a single bus
For systems that need capacitance loads greater than the 400 pF specified by the I2C-bus
protocol, this easy-to-use, expandable hub divides the I2C-bus or SMBus into four, eight, or even
twelve 400-pF spokes, so designs can accommodate more ICs on a single bus.
Key features Applications
4 Accommodates more I2C-bus devices or a longer bus length 4 Mixed 100/400-kHz operation
(up to 400 pF per segment) 4 Expanding PCI slots
4 Bi-directional I2C-bus driver……