Very high-performance multi-core Digital
Signal Processors (DSPs) are increasingly used
in telecommunications access, edge and infrastructure equipment to process voice, video and radio signals. The current generation of multi-core DSPs has dramatically enhanced processing capabilities over its predecessors.
As a result, these new DSPs can replace solutions that previously could only be implemented commercially using dedicated ASICs or DSPASIC combinations.Power and Performance
in High-Performance Multi-Core DSPs
White Paper
Table of Contents
Introduction 1
The power crisis 2
Static power-performance optimization 4
Dynamic power-performance optimization 5
I. Clock tree losses 5
II. Logic transition losses 6
Conclusion 9
Very high-performance multi-core Digital These characteristics, however, are obtained at
Signal Processors (DSPs) are increasingly used a hefty cost. Flexible, adaptable and field-
in telecommunications access, edge and infra- programmable DSPs typically consume more New DSPs can
structure equipment to proces……