Digital filters are used for two general purposes: (1) separation of signals that have been
combined, and (2) restoration of signals that have been distorted in some way. Analog
(electronic) filters can be used for these same tasks; however, digital filters can achieve far
superior results. The most popular digital filters are described and compared in the next seven
chapters. This introductory chapter describes the parameters you want to look for when learning
about each of these filters. CHAPTER
Introduction to Digital Filters
Digital filters are used for two general purposes: (1) separation of signals that have been
combined, and (2) restoration of signals that have been distorted in some way. Analog
(electronic) filters can be used for these same tasks; however, digital filters can achieve far
superior results. The most popular digital filters are described and compared in the next seven
chapters. This introductory chapter describes the parameters you want to look for when learning
about each of these filters.
Filter Basics
Digital filters are a very important part of DSP. In fact, their extraordinary
performance is one of the key reasons that DSP has become so popular. As