1 在注释时要用/* */,如果用// 有可能报错。
解决方法:在编译规则里去掉 -ansi 开关
问题:可能极少ansi c的扩展不能用。
引用:“One way to do this is by removing the -ansi switch. However, you may wish to keep
your source base ANSI compliant. I do use builtin alloca() and other functions occasionally;
but I prefer the code to compile anywhere. Passing the "-Wp,-lang-c" argument should only
enable CPP comments. Here is the comment from the pre-processor docs”。
2 定义变量要在程序其它语句前,否则会报错。
3 应用程序第一行有汉语注释,编译的时候会报错.
4 在取文件名时尽量不要用大写字母开头,容易报错.