原创 What’s your claim about real estate

2008-10-29 21:58 2180 4 6 分类: 工程师职场

 What’s your claim about real estate

   With the rapid development of the international economy, more and more persons want to buy house for their basic living necessities. Unfortunately, most of Chinese people have little current money to buy one house, particularly so many couple work for a long time. The higher the price is , the less the buyer is.

     As for as I am concerned that, about fifteen rich and powerful people who buy the expensive and luxury houses., especially the villas and seaside apartment. Maybe twenty-five percent person try their best to buy one common house for their own necessities. And sixty percent people have no money to buy house who are only moaning everyday.

     The reasonable reasons as follows, on one aspect, the house price is so higher that the public have not enough money to buy one house. On the other side, the rich and powerful person always paly tricks on real estate . Finally, the governmental policy has some weakness.




用户1204272 2009-7-7 10:39


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