-Specify path of install directory [OR type [RETURN] to exit]:
> /Cadence
-Directory /Cadence does not exist. Create? [y/n]:
> y
-Do you want to start softload? [y/n]:
> y
-Warning: Software administration should not be done as root because it could cause file permissions problems while extracting software Press [Return] to proceed, q to quit :
> (just press RETURN to accept to continue)
-The available options are:
> 1 (Load Available Products)
-You must now identify where the CD-ROM is mounted:
> 1 (Local (mounted to this machine))
-Specify the CD-ROM mount point:
> 2 (Other)
-Type the CD-ROM mount point: [ /home/thedock/CadenceInstall/Cadence_Virtuoso_IC5033_lnx86/ISR200406181244/CDROM1 ]
> (just press RETURN to accept to continue: the path should be correct at this point)
-Do you want to view the README file? Please press y (yes) or n (no) :
> y
-Follow the standard Cadence installation instructions. Press [Return] to proceed, q to quit :
> (just press RETURN to accept to continue)
-Where is the installation information?
> 4 (Cadence Catalog)
-311:Unknown Product Name Removed from QSR. Press [RETURN] to continue:
> (just press RETURN to accept to continue)
-Go to the end of the products list by pressing the SPACE BAR
-Type your choice (a,n,p,1-3,2 5 9 ...):
> a (All of the above)
-Go to the end of the list of the selected products by pressing the SPACE BAR
-Are your selections correct? [y/n]
> y
-Disk checks successful. The following products will be installed or updated. Just press SPACE BAR to continue.
-The following media is required:
IC5033 lnx86 P/N 356-70352-0301 CDROM # 1
IC5033 lnx86 P/N 356-70352-0302 CDROM # 2
IC5033 lnx86 P/N 356-70352-0303 CDROM # 3
IC5033 lnx86 ISR 200406181244 CDROM # 1
IC5033 lnx86 ISR 200406181244 CDROM # 2
IC5033 lnx86 ISR 200406181244 CDROM # 3
Press [Return] to proceed, q to quit :
> (just press RETURN to accept to continue)
-Wait until the next CDROM is asked for (~7 minutes)
-Your package selections require IC5033 lnx86 P/N 356-70352-0301 CDROM # 1.
> 4 (Change CD-ROM mount point.)
-You must now identify where the CD-ROM is mounted.
> 1 (Local (mounted to this machine))
-Specify the CD-ROM mount point
> 2 (Other)
-Type the CD-ROM mount point: [ /home/thedock/CadenceInstall/IC5033/ISR200406181244/CDROM1 ]
> /home/thedock/CadenceInstall/IC5033/Base/CDROM1
-CDROM # 2 and CDROM # 3 will be loaded automaticaly. There is nothing to do, just wait.
-Verify your installation. The available options are:
> 2 (List Installed Products)
-Specify the operating system of the products:
> 3 (lnx86)
-Now you can quit the Cadence IC <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 />5.0.33 installation and begin the Aptivia installation. The available options are:
> q (Quit)
3) 在ic5033目录创建链接ln –s tools.lnx86 tools
4)进入share/license 修改license.dat, SERVER localhost ANY 27000, DAEMON cdslmd /home/ic5033/tools/bin/cdslmd (其中/home/ic5033/是你的cadence的安装目的地)
5) chmod 755 license.dat ,
nohup lmgrd –c license.dat >/dev/stty( license.dat 如果没有在其目录下安装,必须用全名)
6)将dfII/samples/local 复制到dfII目录下,并将local中cdsinit 命令为.cdsinit (不要这一步也可以,这一步起到的作用是隐藏)
export CDSDIR="/home/ic5033/"
export CDS_ROOT=/home/ic5033/
export SDC_INST_DIR/home/ic5033/
export CDS_INSTALL_DIR=/home/ic5033/tools/dfII
export CDS_LIC_FILE=$CDS_ROOT/share/license/license.dat
export PATH=$CDS_ROOT/tools/bin:$CDS_INSTALL_DIR/bin:$CDS_ROOT/tools/spectre/bin:usr/sbin:/sbin:$PATH
export CDS_Netlisting_Node Analog
7, source .bashrc
8, icfb –log CDS.log.1 &
9, 如果运行时提示缺少libstdcc++-lib .. ,可以从linux安装盘安装, 运行 rpm –ivh compact-lib*.rpm 即可(psyche-i386-disc2.iso\RedHat\RPMS)。
用户391779 2008-8-1 16:22
用户1249852 2007-7-23 08:53
用户54384 2007-7-19 15:46