原创 一个很不错的I2C读写程序(基于KeilC51),运行稳定,可靠性高

2008-3-19 20:00 6180 8 9 分类: MCU/ 嵌入式


#include "C8051F310.H"
#include "common.h"
#include "i2c.h"

/* Ports */
sbit SCL  = P0 ^ 7;
sbit SDA  = P0 ^ 6;
sbit CHECK  = P1 ^ 0;

/* ------------ DEFINES --------------- */
/* I2c read/write flags */
#define I2C_WRITE_FLAG 0x00 /* bit 0 of slave-addres byte */
#define I2C_READ_FLAG 0x01

/* bus logic levels */
#define LO  0
#define HI 1

/* Delay constants */
#define _5US 8

/* Retry times on NACK */
#define NACK_RETRY_MAX 5

/* ------------ LOCAL DATA ------------ */
xdata UINT8 I2cStatus;
xdata UINT8 RxBit;
xdata UINT8 RxByte;

/* ---------- MODULE FUNCTIONS  ------- */
void Delay ( UINT8 Time );
UINT8 SetScl( UINT8 State );
UINT8 SetSda( UINT8 State );
void FloatSda( void );
UINT8 I2cStart();
UINT8 I2cStop();
UINT8 I2cTxBit( UINT8 BitVal );
UINT8 I2cRxBit( void );
UINT8 I2cTxByte( UINT8 TxData);
UINT8 I2cRxByte( UINT8 AckState );

/*---------------- Function Header -------------------------------------------

 PURPOSE  Initialises I2c driver
 INPUT  None
 OUTPUT  I2c status byte indicating the idle-state of the bus
UINT8 InitI2c ( void )

 /* configure C8051F310 ports for I2C operation:
  SDA is connected to Port0, bit6
  SCL is connected to Port0, bit7
  both pins function in open-drain mode
 P0SKIP = 0xc0;
 P0MDOUT &= ~0x30; /* set SDA and SCL = open-drain */
 I2cStatus = 0;  /* initialise driver status */
 /* set initial idle state for bus (SDA and SCL = 1) */
 return ( SetSda( HI ) || SetScl( HI ) );


/*---------------- Function Header -------------------------------------------

 PURPOSE  Programme delay in the microsecond range -
    Called to meet I2C bus timing requirements

void Delay ( UINT8 Time )
 UINT8 i;

 EA = 0;      /* interrupts disabled during delay */
 for (i = 0; i < Time; i++);
 EA = 1;

/*---------------- Function Header -------------------------------------------

 PURPOSE  Sets I2C SCL line to the required level. Because the bus is a
    wire-OR configuration, it may take some time to establish a
    logic '1' due to slow risetime, clock stretching etc.
    An arbitrary timeout of 250us is allowed.
 INPUT  Required bus state
 OUTPUT  Flag indicating result: 1 = OK, 0 = bus line stuck.
UINT8 SetScl( UINT8 State )
// UINT16 Timeout = 450; /* approx 250us */
 UINT16 Timeout = 10000; /* approx 250us */

 SCL = State;
 while ( (SCL != State) && --Timeout);

 if ( Timeout )
  return true;
  I2cStatus |= I2C_ERROR_SCL_STUCK;
  return false;

/*---------------- Function Header -------------------------------------------

 PURPOSE  Sets I2C SDA line to the required level. Because the bus is a
    wire-OR configuration, it may take some time to establish a
    logic '1' due to slow risetime, clock stretching etc.
    An arbitrary timeout of 250us is allowed.
 INPUT  Required bus state
 OUTPUT  Flag indicating result: 1 = OK, 0 = bus line stuck.
UINT8 SetSda( UINT8 State )
// UINT16 Timeout = 450; /* approx 250us */
 UINT16 Timeout = 10000; /* approx 250us */

 SDA = State;
 while ( (SDA != State) && --Timeout);

 if ( Timeout )
  return true;
  I2cStatus |= I2C_ERROR_SDA_STUCK;
  return false;

/*---------------- Function Header -------------------------------------------

 PURPOSE  Sets I2C SDA line to 'input mode'.
    Note: this function does not check the line is high because
    a slave may be legitimately driving SDA low.
void FloatSda( void )
 SDA = HI;

/*---------------- Function Header -------------------------------------------

 PURPOSE  Applies an appropriately timed START condition to the I2c bus.
 OUTPUT  Flag indicating result: 1 = OK, 0 = bus line stuck.
UINT8 I2cStart()
 if ( !SDA )  /* ensure SDA is high */
  if ( !SetSda(HI) )
   return false;

 if ( !SCL )  /* ensure SCL is high */
  if ( !SetScl(HI) )
   return false;

 Delay( _5US );    /* Philips tSU:STA > 4.7us */

 Delay( _5US );    /* Philips tHD:SDA > 4us */
 return ( SetScl(LO) );

/*---------------- Function Header -------------------------------------------

 PURPOSE  Applies an appropriately timed STOP condition to the I2c bus.
 OUTPUT  Flag indicating result: 1 = OK, 0 = bus line stuck.
UINT8 I2cStop()
 SetSda(LO); /* ensure SDA is low */

 if ( !SetScl(HI) )
  return false;
 Delay( _5US );    /* Philips tSU:STO > 4us */
 return ( SetSda(HI) );

/*---------------- Function Header -------------------------------------------

 PURPOSE  Drives the specified data bit to the I2c bus.
 OUTPUT  Flag indicating result: 1 = OK, 0 = bus line stuck.
UINT8 I2cTxBit( UINT8 BitVal )
 if ( !SetSda(BitVal) )
  return false;
 Delay( _5US );    /* Philips tLOW > 4.7us */

 if ( !SetScl(HI) )
  return false;
 Delay( _5US );    /* Philips tHIGH > 4us */
 return ( SetScl(LO) );

/*---------------- Function Header -------------------------------------------

 PURPOSE  Receives a data bit from the I2c bus.
 OUTPUT  Flag indicating result: 1 = OK, 0 = bus line stuck.
    Data bit is saved to RxBit
UINT8 I2cRxBit( void )
 FloatSda(); /* float SDA - can't check state as slave maybe driving SDA */
 Delay( _5US );    /* Philips tLOW > 4.7us */

 if ( !SetScl(HI) )
  return false;
 Delay( _5US );    /* Philips tHIGH > 4us */
 RxBit = SDA;
 return ( SetScl(LO) );

/*---------------- Function Header -------------------------------------------

 PURPOSE  Sequences transmission of a data byte to the I2c bus.
 OUTPUT  Flag indicating result: 1 = slave acknowledged, 0 = no ack/fail.
    Data bit is saved to RxBit
 MODIFIES I2cStatus: State of ACK bit and error flags
UINT8 I2cTxByte( UINT8 TxData)
 UINT8 i;
 UINT8 t = TxData;

 for (i= 0;i < 8;i++)
  if ( !I2cTxBit( (t & 0x80) ? 1 : 0 ) )
   return false;
  t <<= 1;

 if ( I2cRxBit() )
  if (RxBit)
   I2cStatus |= I2C_ERROR_NO_ACK;
  return ( !RxBit ); /* returns '1' if ACK recieved */
  return false;


/*---------------- Function Header -------------------------------------------

 PURPOSE  Sequences reception of a data byte from the I2c bus.
 INPUT  Flag indicating state of ACK bit to be sent to the slave
 OUTPUT  Flag indicating result: 1 = OK, 0 = fail.
    Data byte is saved to RxByte
 MODIFIES I2cStatus: State of error flags
UINT8 I2cRxByte( UINT8 AckState )
 UINT8 i;
 UINT8 r = 0;

 for (i= 0;i < 8;i++)
  if ( !I2cRxBit() )
   return false;
  r <<= 1;
  r |= RxBit;

 RxByte = r;

 return ( I2cTxBit ( AckState ) );


/*---------------- Function Header -------------------------------------------

 PURPOSE  Sequences a write-cycle to a slave device on the I2c bus.
    send START
    send slave-adddress + write flag (check ACK)
    send write pointer (check ACK)
    read data bytes (with NACK at last byte) (check all ACKs)
 INPUT  I2cAddress:    specifies slave device 7-bit address
    DeviceAddress: specifies address pointer within the device
    Data:          Pointer to write-data (byte) array
    ByteCount:     specifies number of bytes to write
 OUTPUT  I2cStatus byte indicating result of I2c cycle.
 MODIFIES I2cStatus:     all flags
UINT8 I2cWrite( UINT8 I2cAddress, UINT8 DeviceAddress, UINT8 *Data, UINT8 ByteCount)
 UINT8 i;
 UINT8 *WriteDataPtr;
CHECK = 1;
 i = 0;
 do { /* attempt to address device up to NACK_RETRY_MAX times */
  I2cStatus = 0;

  if ( I2cStart() )
   if ( !I2cTxByte( (I2cAddress * 2) + I2C_WRITE_FLAG ) )
 } while ( (I2cStatus != 0) && (++i < NACK_RETRY_MAX) );
CHECK = 0;

 if ( i >= NACK_RETRY_MAX )
  return I2cStatus;

 if ( !I2cTxByte( DeviceAddress ) )
  return I2cStatus;

 WriteDataPtr = Data;
 for ( i = 0; i < ByteCount; i++)
  if ( !I2cTxByte( *WriteDataPtr++ ) )
   return I2cStatus;

 return I2cStatus;

/*---------------- Function Header -------------------------------------------

 PURPOSE  Sequences a read-cycle to a slave device on the I2c bus:
    send START
    send slave-adddress + write flag (check ACK)
    send read pointer (check ACK)
    send re-START
    send slave-adddress + read flag (check ACK)
    read data bytes (with NACK at last byte)
 INPUT  I2cAddress:    specifies slave device 7-bit address
    DeviceAddress: specifies address pointer within the device
    Data:          Pointer to return-data (byte) array
    ByteCount:     specifies number of bytes to read
 OUTPUT  I2cStatus byte indicating result of I2c cycle.
 MODIFIES I2cStatus:     all flags
UINT8 I2cRead( UINT8 I2cAddress, UINT8 DeviceAddress, UINT8 *Data, UINT8 ByteCount)
 UINT8 i;
 UINT8 *ReadDataPtr;
 i = 0;
 do { /* attempt to address device up to NACK_RETRY_MAX times */
  I2cStatus = 0;

  if ( I2cStart() )
   if ( !I2cTxByte( (I2cAddress * 2) + I2C_WRITE_FLAG ) )
 } while ( (I2cStatus != 0) && (++i < NACK_RETRY_MAX) );

 if ( i >= NACK_RETRY_MAX )
  return I2cStatus;

 if ( !I2cTxByte( DeviceAddress ) )
  return I2cStatus;

 i = 0;
 do { /* attempt to address device up to NACK_RETRY_MAX times */
  I2cStatus = 0;

  if ( I2cStart() )
   if ( !I2cTxByte( (I2cAddress * 2) + I2C_READ_FLAG ) )
 } while ( (I2cStatus != 0) && (++i < NACK_RETRY_MAX) );

 if ( i >= NACK_RETRY_MAX )
  return I2cStatus;

 ReadDataPtr = Data;
 for ( i = 0; i < ByteCount; i++)
  if ( I2cRxByte( (i == (ByteCount - 1) ? 1 : 0 ) ) )
    *ReadDataPtr++ = RxByte;
   return I2cStatus;

 return I2cStatus;




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