这一个星期都在调试用mcf52211做的板子,但是BDM仿真器一直都无法正常工作,买的是合肥华恒的TBLCF BDM,出现的问题极其奇怪。在选择INTERNAL_RAM和CONSOLE_INTERNAL_RAM target编译无误后,点击debug开始调试,程序下载到板子上,到这步一切看上去都正常。但是当开始单步运行的时候,竟然发现处理器根本不执行指令,它始终停在 _startup()函数的开头,PC寄存器的值也不改变,永远停在那里了。cpu似乎没冻结了。
当选择INTERNAL_FLASH target的时候,编译完后用BDM烧写进52211的过程中,总是报错。擦除52211是成功的,但是编程总是出错。报下面的错误:
Flash driver reports the following error(s): The flash device algorithm was interrupted during execution. Please check if the flash base address is correct or if there are any flash devices mapped inside the selected memory space. If a custom target initialization file was used then check the following parameters: flash base address, flash bank size and flash bank port size. Please enable Verify Target Memory Writes in Target Configuration to check that the algorithm downloads correctly. If you are downloading the algorithm to DDR try checking your DDR configuration.
用户219487 2009-9-2 09:11