Hybrid Committe
1.Hybrid J1772 Task Force(SAE的工作组页面)
这事情由Gery Kissel先生lead,这位也是给力得很。最近Gery的SAE培训《Plug-In Vehicle Conductive Charging, SAE J1772 Explained Webinar》的链接在这里,其Presentation文档为:
2010-2-18_SAE J1772 Update For IEEE Standard 1809 Guide for Electric-Sourced Transportation Infrastructure Meeting
2010-03-04_SAE J1772? Update
2010-03-04_240V PLUG AND CORD EVSE
2010-06-09_SAE J1772 Connectors
2010-06-09_SAE J1772 – DC Charging
2010-08-30_Standards Update Global Approaches to Vehicle-Grid Connectivity
2010-09-02_SAE J1772 Update for IWC PHEV WG
2010-10-12_The Business of Plugging In Panel Discussion The Future of Charging
2.Hybrid J2836, J2847, J2931 and J2953 Task Force(SAE的工作组页面)
这事情由Rich Scholer领衔,以下为其这几年关于这些方面内容的Presentation汇总:
2008-7-22_SAE J2836 Communication Task Force
2009-1-19_L1 Customer connects PEV at Home
2009-1-19_L3 Customer connects PEV to Another Home, Outside Customer’s Home Territory
2009-1-19_L4 Customer connects PEV at Public Location
2009-1-19_PR1 Customer charges the PEV
2009-1-19_S1 Customer connects vehicle to premise using Cordset EVSE
2009-1-19_U2 Customer enrolls in a Discrete Event Utility program
2009-7-15_Technical Standards Background
2010_PEV Standards Process and Status
2010-1-26_SAE Communication Task Force Status
2010-2-18_SAE J2836 J2847 Task Force Status
2010-03-04_SAE J2836 / J2847 Communications Update
2010-03-04_IEEE P2030 / Vehicle to Grid
2010-06-09_SAE J2836 / J2847 Communications Update
2010-06-09_Vehicle / EVSE AC/DC Charge Architecture
2010-10-12_Standards and Advanced Charging
2010-10-26_The Alphabet Soup of Standards
2010-10-26_What to do with 20 kW(more or less)
2011-02-22_Summary of SAE PEV Standards
2011-02-25_Communication Test Summary
2011-02-25_EV Communication Requirements Document (RD)
2011-02-25_S291 - PEV and EVSE Architectures and Connection Schemes
2011-06-23_SAE PEV Communication Task Force Status
3.SAE J2954 Wireless Charging Task Force(SAE的工作组页面)
2010-02_SAE TIR J2954:“Wireless Charging of Electric and Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles”
2011-03_Power Quality Requirements for Electric Vehicle Chargers SAE J2894 Update
2010-12_Power Quality Requirements for Electric Vehicle Chargers SAE J2894 Update
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