原创 Check out Andru, the playful charger!

2013-4-19 13:29 1866 24 24 分类: 消费电子

I'm always greatly surprised at how folks can take a relatively boring item and "jazz it up". Take charging a USB device like a camera or cell phone, for example...

If someone had come up to me yesterday and said "I've got a really cool 'thing' for charging your USB devices," I think my knee-jerk reaction would be to say (or think) "Ho hum." Having said this, someone just emailed me and pointed me at a jolly interesting website showing a charger called an Andru – a little robot-like critter whose eyes light up (show me a flashing LED and I'll show you a drooling man with a glazed stare). This is sooooo cute – now I want one!!! The following is the message as I received it:


Meet Andru...The most playful charger in the world.

Andru (www.powerbygen.com) is the ultimate in USB charging devices. Just plug in Andru's cord to your USB device and then plug Andru into the wall and the charging begins. It's that simple.



What more, Andru knows when your device has reached its charging capacity. His eyes light up blue during the charging phase and then switch to white when he's in stand-by. Not only does this indicate to you that your device is fully charged but it also saves on energy as Andru literally stops the energy flow to your device in stand-by mode. He's responsible that way.

Andru is cute too. With his green body, moveable arms, flexible antennae, a soft matte finish, his own stand, cable, and measures 2.5 inches tall. Andru is the perfect desk or travel companion.



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