我最近上班途中,在听《Introduction to Systems Engineering | Coursera》这门公开课。这门课程是是有时效性的,督促我抓紧学习,所以在学习过程之中,感受还是颇为深刻的。
我是从汽车零部件开始从业的,所以当我10年来到整车企业,真正了解北美的纷繁复杂的工程团队以及不同的结构划分的时候,确实是被震撼到了(从系统规范、子系统规范、部件规范、部件软件规范和接口规范等)。很多时候,你自己不懂的时候,你会觉得别人都牛掰,懂一些才有鉴别力,才知道什么是好的东西,什么是差的东西;什么是共性的什么是非共性的。比如在《SAE 2011-01-1360 Voltec Battery Design and Manufacturing 》一文一开始,介绍了电池系统的开发过程是由以下的团队组成的
* 产品开发团队 Product Development Teams (PDTs)
* 接受任务 take on the tasks required to design, develop, manufacture, test and validate the subsystems and components that comprise the RESS Assembly.
* PDTs were established for the following components and subsystems:
* 单体cells
* 模块 modules/sections
* 电气硬件 electrical hardware
* 电子 electronics
* 结构 structure.
* RESS System Integration Team (SIT):monitored and managed issues with pack-level performance to requirements and imperatives such as mass,cost, quality and build ability.
* RESS Integration Team (RIT):managed the physical (solid UniGraphics virtual model) integration of the RESS.
其中有关安全的部分在《Application of System Safety Engineering Processes to Advanced Battery Safety》一文中
用户377235 2014-5-13 10:12