"I've wanted to make a thread on this for awhile, no idea why I haven't. Arms spec is a whole different game than fury, and a completely different WO ...
"Well, we're moving onto regularly scheduled meetings with Onyxia. I guess it's a good idea to make a fresh (post 1.10) post regarding her fight mech ...
"Shazzrah Shazzrah is usually pulled to Garr's room for an easier fight. The raid group is typically set up into 4 large groups that create a circle ...
"This post came as a result of some discussion in the Community forums about different 24-slot bags for raiding (first aid kit type of thing) and I t ...
"I did a quick scroll through (zomg stickies) and didn't really find a great paladin thread like the warrior chat one. I'm gonna turn this into a lit ...
"Since this came up in ZG, this is why it is a good idea to pally ninja-tank domo. The Majordomo Executus fight is set up thusly: You fight Majordomo ...