The two extremes of product volume have their own issues. If you're designing and building a higher-volume product, you can justify manufacturing t ...
It's not a surprise when components eventually fail even in normal use; engineers are used to that. We also understand the likely failure modes: fi ...
You might have already heard that industry giant Hewlett-Packard is going through some serious challenges; they even fired their relatively new CEO ...
I usually just pass over prognostications and predictions of pundits and columnists. Most don't really know what they are talking about, have a ves ...
I generally skip prognostications and predictions of pundits and columnists. Most don't really know what they are talking about, have a vested inte ...
This article about the special type of screwdriver needed to open the latest iPhone reminded me of a similar incident from my distant past. Many ye ...
Reading this blog from DesignCon about the special type of screwdriver needed to open the latest iPhone reminded me of a similar incident from my d ...
I was reading a technical-review article the other day and saw the word "erlangs." All I could think was, "wow, I haven't seen that word in a while ...
There are times when you think about the "small" decisions that a design team makes, and if they really understand the implications to the user. Th ...
Surely enough, you have already seen the news that legendary company and iconic brand Kodak is in serious trouble, and may even file for bankruptcy ...
I just finished reading Robert Crease's "World in the Balance: The Historic Quest for an Absolute System of Measurement". It's a history of measure ...