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用户3607565 2015-9-18 18:15
Measuring power supply efficiency: Not that easy
Power supply efficiency is a "hot" topic these days, whether it's an AC/DC or DC/DC unit (sorry about that unavoidable pun). Everyone is concerned ...
用户3607565 2015-8-21 18:29
The union of AC line and CFL/LED lamp
It’s well known that the performance and life of the traditional incandescent bulb performance are very sensitive and highly nonlinear in response ...
用户3607565 2015-8-21 18:25
The Wright Brothers: More than just skilled mechanics
I always get irritated when I read or hear someone say “the airplane was invented by the Wright brothers, bicycle mechanics from Dayton, Ohio.” W ...
用户3607565 2015-7-31 18:48
Free-Space Optical Test: Are you ready?
The phenomenal proliferation of wireless devices (Wi-Fi, IoT, handheld products) has forced engineers who don't have much RF background to become s ...
用户3607565 2015-7-31 18:40
Powering self-driving vehicles
Autonomous, self-driving cars are gaining a lot of attention and even hype these days, typified by the Google car, which has been undergoing ex ...
用户3607565 2015-7-23 22:43
Unique issues for long-life batteries
The increased interest in long-life embedded applications such as remote data logging or utility meters brings up the eternal engineering quest ...
用户3607565 2015-7-23 22:40
Unique issues for long-life batteries
The increased interest in long-life embedded applications such as remote data logging or utility meters brings up the eternal engineering quest ...
用户3607565 2015-6-18 22:29
Mowers interfering with methanol
The first iRobot Roomba floor cleaner unit was a tremendous breakthrough when introduced in 2002. It made the vague and confusing concept of a us ...
用户3607565 2015-5-4 20:36
Why wireless charging suits medical implants
Wireless charging of personal electronics such as smartphones, laptops, and tablets is a hot topic. Several standards are competing to make it poss ...
用户3607565 2015-4-23 22:27
Analogue optical fibre strengthens RF link
Co-axial copper cables have long been utilised as conduits of analogue RF signals but there is now a medium for electromagnetic energy that is star ...
用户3607565 2015-4-23 22:09
LED luminaire design change may hurt repairability
It’s not news that LED-based bulbs are replacing the venerable incandescent bulb. In many jurisdictions, the basic incandescent bulb (especially f ...
用户3607565 2015-3-26 19:54
Never give up when it comes to measurement
In the extraordinary year of 1905, Einstein published five brilliant papers including his best-known one on special relativity . One of the other ...
用户3607565 2015-3-20 19:00
Can we power electric vehicles using supercaps?
Supercapacitors (also known as ultracapacitors) are a relatively recent fundamental technology innovation for passive devices, with the first ones ...
用户3607565 2015-3-20 18:59
Supercaps to power electric vehicles?
Supercapacitors (also called ultracapacitors) are a relatively recent fundamental technology innovation for passive devices, with the first ones co ...
用户3607565 2015-3-13 21:47
Using MEMS windmills for energy harvesting?
MEMS-based designs can result to some strange and wonderful things. While thumbing through a recent issue of Wireless Design and Development (yes ...
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