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用户3665759 2012-12-27 20:38
Applying the scientific method to code debugging
As an editor for Embedded.com, I read a number of books about computer systems design and development. Usually they fall into two categories. ...
用户3665759 2012-12-11 19:43
Improving embedded software
As an avid reader of Jack Ganssle's Break Points , I check his columns on a regular basis,—and even go back and reread older ones—for perspectiv ...
用户3665759 2012-12-6 18:31
Why I admire Von Neuman
I recently discussed with a software developer regarding the proper education of software programmers, relating to several recent articles on the t ...
用户3665759 2012-12-6 18:24
On debugging and admiring Von Neumann
A few weeks ago, I had a conversation with a software developer on the proper education of software programmers relating to several recent articles ...
用户3665759 2012-11-28 21:53
Gesture interface design issues and opportunities
One certainty about the domination of the computer industry by personal computer is that it was – and continues to be – a major market for embedd ...
用户3665759 2012-11-28 21:52
Challenges, prospects in gesture interface design
One fact about the domination of the computer industry by personal computer is that it was – and continues to be – a major market for embedded de ...
用户3665759 2012-10-15 19:29
Crowd-funding: a new means of financing high tech?
Jon Moeller, a computer science grad student, is in the midst of an online Kickstarter crowd-funding campaign to get financing for an idea original ...
用户3665759 2012-9-18 20:34
How I built Tesla/Oudin coils and learned how to think
Several readers wanted to know more about some of the simple electronics projects I built in my early pre-high school days, based on instructions I ...
用户3665759 2012-9-13 21:21
Early and simple DIY electronics projects, 1910-1915
Although I do not have much time for it now, I have always had an enduring interest in almost any DIY electronics project. One of my favourite past ...
用户3665759 2012-8-25 12:22
Embedded DBs, popcorn, bakeries & tasting software samples
Wayne Warren recently took a short sabbatical from his job as chief technical officer at embedded database software provider Raima to start a baker ...
用户3665759 2012-8-24 17:30
Lessons from Hans Camenzind (1934-2012)
The inventor of the now ubiquitous 555 timer circuit—Hans Camenzind—died this month after a life that was creative to the end. Soft-spoken but de ...
用户3665759 2012-8-24 17:16
Arduino Due: Can it move DIYers from 8bit MCUs to the 32bit ARM?
At the recent Maker Faire in California, USA, the new Arduino development board based on Atmel's 32bit ARM based SAM3X8 was shown. Now avail ...
用户3665759 2012-7-17 12:07
KESO: The answer to Java VM scepticism?
At the recent ESC DESIGN West, in the context of conversations about microcontroller usage and architecture evolution, several embedded system deve ...
用户3665759 2012-5-15 17:38
Is real-time Android realistic?
For several months I have been discussing with embedded systems engineers about Google's Android and the why's, what's, and how's of using this Lin ...
用户3665759 2012-5-2 20:07
Understanding pub/sub, the Internet of Things, and 6LoWPAN connectivity (Part 2)
Connext DDS to the rescue? Real Time Innovations announcement that it would soon make available its new Connext DDS real time publi ...
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